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Keep Tahoe Blue Page 24

  “I am. And thank you for the flowers. Thank your wife, too. That was very kind of you.”

  “Oh, of course. It was the least we could do. We would have visited as well, but we figured you had enough people crowding around you.”

  “I did, yes.” She laughed.

  “That’s the sign of a good person, Reese. Having all those people surround you when you need them most is the sign of a good person,” he insisted.

  “I hope so,” she said and felt bad about wanting to steer this conversation in a different direction. “Listen, I’m sorry to just stop by like this, but Kellan said you had something she needed. She didn’t tell me what, but she asked me to come by and get it. She’s due in town later tonight.”

  “Oh, right.” Edward smiled and pulled out a drawer. “Here you go.” He stood and held out one of those yellow, interoffice envelopes with the red string acting as a closure. “Everything’s in there.”

  “Oh.” Reese took the envelope and knew her disappointment had to be showing on her face.

  Kellan really had just needed her to run an errand. The envelope was thick enough and had weight to it. It was likely filled with papers, which made no sense to Reese, but it probably had something to do with the time Kellan spent working for Dr. Sanders. Maybe it was a paper they were looking to publish together on a particular treatment or some kind of legal document Kellan had to sign to work at the clinic that they never got around to signing before. Reese held it to her chest.

  “Disappointed?” he asked with a lifted eyebrow and a slight smirk.

  “That obvious, huh?” She let out a short laugh. “I guess I thought there was more to this errand than there really was. She told me it would make sense, but this is just an envelope, and I’m merely her errand girl.”

  “Sorry to mislead you. It really is just an envelope with some paperwork for Kellan. She can tell you the rest when you see her.” He seemed to remember something. “Oh, I forgot. She actually left a few of her things in the office she was borrowing. Nothing of consequence, but would you mind taking it to her? I have a new doctor starting on Monday, and they’ll be using that office.”

  “No problem.”

  “Great. There’s a box on the desk.”

  “It was good to see you,” she told him and lowered the envelope to her side.

  “You too, dear. Don’t be a stranger.”

  “I won’t.” Reese left the office, and the man sat down in his chair.

  She turned to give him a wave before heading down the hall only a few feet and noticing the door to Kellan’s borrowed office was closed. She reached for the knob with her free hand and opened it. She expected to find the old office she’d seen before, with its old and overly large wooden desk and two chairs in front of it that had been borrowed from the lobby. There had been a bookshelf behind the desk and off to the right and a small window that only showed the alley between this building and the restaurant next door. She expected to see a box of Kellan’s belongings on top of that old desk, but what she saw instead was Kellan leaning her butt against that desk, holding out a single red rose.

  “Hi, baby,” she said with the widest of smiles on her face.

  “Babe,” Reese let out, dropped the envelope to the floor, and moved immediately into her.

  Kellan wrapped her arms around Reese’s waist, and Reese’s went to Kellan’s neck. She placed her head on her shoulder and breathed in Kellan’s familiar and very missed scent. Reese squeezed her harder before she kissed her neck several times in rapid succession while Kellan vibrated against her in laughter. Reese pulled back and, without waiting for an explanation, captured Kellan’s lips in a heated kiss. Kellan complied easily and moved her mouth against Reese’s quickly until Reese recalled her plan to kiss Kellan long and slow. She detached their lips for a moment and ran her hand under Kellan’s hair at the back of her neck. She brought Kellan’s mouth back to her own and kissed her slowly. Their tongues met. Reese moaned. With one hand in Kellan’s hair, she used the other to slide under Kellan’s shirt. She rested it there for several moments before she began walking them backward toward the door of the office. She reached frantically for the thing and closed it behind her. Kellan pressed her against it while she locked it and ran her hands up and down Reese’s sides.

  “God, I missed you,” Kellan stated between kisses.

  “Show me,” Reese told her.

  “Not here.” Kellan pulled back with shock on her face.

  Reese heard three things in rapid succession from outside the office; each one made her smile grow wider. She heard the door to the doctor’s office close, she then heard him say goodnight to his receptionist, and the receptionist said she’d follow him out. Then, she heard the sound of the front door closing.

  “Yes, here,” Reese said.

  She’d been waiting. She was done with it. She unbuttoned Kellan’s jeans and lifted at Kellan’s shirt.

  “Hold on.” Kellan chuckled and halted Reese’s hands.


  “I promise, you can do whatever you want to me soon, okay? Just listen for a second.”

  Reese stilled her hands on the hem of Kellan’s shirt but gave it a tug.

  “Fine. But this better be good.”

  “Do you like this place?” Kellan looked around the office and returned her eyes to a glare Reese knew she recognized.

  “This office? You’re asking me about this office?”

  “I am asking what you think about this office, yes. I’m asking you this because this office is now my office.”

  Reese let go of Kellan’s shirt. Despite still having her back against the door, she leaned as far as she could back farther to take in Kellan’s face.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I start work on Monday. This will be my office,” she revealed with a hesitant smile.

  “What? You work here now?” Reese pointed to the floor with both hands. “You can’t work here and live in San Francisco,” she said.

  “I know that.” Kellan’s smile grew. Her hands went to cup Reese’s neck. “I live here now.”

  “What? Where?”

  “In this building, actually,” Kellan answered.

  “Kellan, you’re speaking in riddles. Or at least they sound like riddles, because you live and work in San Francisco, so you can’t possibly live and work here.”

  “Reese, I quit my job in San Francisco.” Kellan held onto Reese’s face now, as if that would help focus her attention. “Babe, Dr. Sanders made me an offer before I left the first time. He offered me the chance to not only work here with him but to potentially take over the business from him when he retires next year. I was going to talk to you about it, but the accident happened. I knew I wanted to be here; and not just be here with you or because of you, Reese, but because I love it here. I loved working here with Dr. Sanders. I can see this place in the future. I could see remodeling it and adding onto it. I love your friends, and I think they’ve become my friends. Morgan has texted me like ten times that she wants to hang out when I’m here. I felt at home here. I felt at home for the first time in my entire life. I love spending time with Remy and Ryan when it’s the four of us. I love how you two are as sisters. I love just being able to be a part of that sometimes: watch how you two care about each other.” Kellan paused as Reese let out a few happy tears. She wiped them away with her thumbs. “There’s an apartment upstairs. It’s fully furnished. Riley stays there sometimes. You know Riley, right?”

  “Yes,” Reese replied.

  “I’m renting it from Dr. Sanders. It’s a two-bedroom, so Riley can still stay there, but it’ll be mine for a while.”

  “Until you move in with me?” Reese asked.

  “That’s my plan, yes.” Kellan smiled and kissed Reese’s forehead. “I sublet my apartment to my sister, Katie. She wanted something in the city since she’s looking for jobs there and also just started dating someone that lives there. It worked out perfectly. She’s going to take over my rent unti
l the end of the lease, so I can afford to move.”

  “When will you? When are you moving?” Reese asked.

  “I left everything there. I already moved.”

  “You’re here now?” Reese gulped. “Permanently?”

  “Yes,” Kellan replied and leaned in. “I hope that’s okay.”

  “It’s definitely okay.” Reese smiled back at her. “You live here now?”

  “I packed what I could and drove here this morning. All my stuff is upstairs.” Kellan glanced over at the floor where Reese had dropped the envelope. “That was mainly an excuse to get you here for my surprise, but it is also my rental agreement for the apartment that I’ve already signed. And this is the key.” She reached into her pocket of the still unbuttoned jeans and held out a single key. “Actually, this is your key. Mine is already on my key ring.”

  “My key to your place?”


  “But what about all your other girlfriends? Do they get keys too?” Reese asked in a tone she hoped conveyed there was more behind those words.

  “They do not,” Kellan replied and leaned in. “Only you get a key. Only you get to come over whenever you want, slide into bed with me, and do whatever you want.”

  Kellan slid the key back into her front pocket. Reese followed the movement of her hand until she met Kellan’s eyes again.

  “Take me upstairs now.”

  Kellan’s eyes darkened at Reese’s demand, and she asked, “Why wait?”

  Reese’s eyes lowered again. Her heart thundered in her chest. It had been so long. She wanted this woman like crazy. She loved her like crazy. She loved this surprise like crazy. Kellan was here. She was here permanently. They wouldn’t have to plan holidays together or decide which one would visit the other. She no longer had to worry if the complicated nature of a long-distance relationship would cause too much stress for them. She could just stare at Kellan like this. She could touch her and not worry about it being the last time until they saw one another again. She could slide her hand into Kellan’s pants, feel her wetness, and make her come in her new office before they went up to Kellan’s new apartment and made love all night.

  Kellan came when Reese stroked her with one hand while holding Kellan against her with the other one. She came again not long after as they made love on the floor of Kellan’s new living room, with Reese above her. She came again in her new bed after that, with Reese under, and with Reese coming on Kellan’s fingers that were buried inside her. She came again in the shower, with Reese on her knees and hot water delightfully assaulting their skin. And she came later that night, after they’d gone to that Italian restaurant, had some really good wine, and shared an amazing tiramisu.


  “I’m happy for you, Keira. That’s amazing news,” Kellan said as Reese lay with her head in her lap.

  “I’ve got four new clients. I can barely handle it all myself,” Keira explained. “I’ve got to hire already, and that’s crazy to me. Just a few months ago, I was considering moving back in with my parents.”

  “And now you have a thriving business and a girlfriend who wouldn’t be happy with you relocating.” Kellan smiled at her friend.

  “How are you?” Keira asked. “When are you coming back for a visit?”

  Kellan had been living in Tahoe for months now. She made it through the winter by getting acclimated at the new clinic. She went to the holiday events as Reese’s girlfriend, and they celebrated the New Year together. She said goodbye to Dr. Sanders in April – when he was ready to leave the place in her hands – and hello to Riley, who had decided to move back to South Lake after all and start her own law practice in town. Kellan had come to enjoy having Riley as a roommate in their now shared apartment. Riley was funny and smart, and she kept all the common areas clean. She was also hardly home, because starting up her own practice took a lot of time and effort. Kellan mostly didn’t mind it, though.

  It was now July. She’d been at the helm of her vet practice for over two months now and felt very comfortable making the decisions. She’d hire another doctor soon and begin part of the remodel with the lobby area in August. She was also very close to celebrating her one-year anniversary with Reese, and while she ran her fingers through Reese’s hair, she thought about their future together.

  “I don’t know, Keira. Things are hectic here. I miss you guys, I do. But I’m about to hire another doctor and add at least another two to my staff. Plus, I’m running adoption events for local shelter animals on the weekends when I’m not helping Reese at the visitor’s center.”

  Upon hearing her name, Reese looked up at Kellan and smiled.

  “Say hi for me,” she said.

  “Reese says hi,” Kellan told Keira.

  “Tell her hi back from me, but that I’d actually like to meet her in person one day,” Keira said.

  “I will.” Kellan chuckled.

  Reese gave her a confused expression but turned her attention back to the TV. They’d been watching an old movie when Keira had called.

  “You happy, Kell?” Keira checked.

  “I am, yes.” She ran her hand through Reese’s hair again. “You?”

  “Well, I miss one of my close friends, but other than that, I am very happy. Emma is amazing. The business is starting to kick ass. Oh, have you talked to Macon recently?”

  “Not for a while. Why?”

  “She’s been spending a lot of time with Joanna lately.”

  “Emma’s co-worker?”

  “Like, a lot of time.”

  “Is Macon Greene going to settle down?” Kellan laughed lightly.

  “Joanna’s straight.”

  “Is Macon Greene going to get her heart broken?” She frowned.

  “I don’t know. But, let’s just say, when Joanna’s hanging out at bars on weekends – it’s with Macon and us, usually, and not with some guy on her arm.”

  Kellan laughed again and moved her hand to Reese’s stomach where she scratched lightly. Reese turned her head to face Kellan again and gave her a look that told Kellan she should probably hang up the phone soon.

  “Ask her to invite me to the wedding,” she teased.

  “You’d have to come back to the bay for that.”

  “You know I’d come back for her wedding, your wedding, or Hill’s wedding to that girl from the coffee shop she still hasn’t spoken to.”

  Keira laughed this time. Kellan ran her hand up Reese’s body to cup her breast, causing Reese to turn over onto her back and look up at Kellan expectantly. Kellan squeezed her nipple hard, and Reese made a face.

  “Ow,” Reese exclaimed.

  Both she and Kellan froze.

  “Keira, I have to go. Can I call you back?”

  Reese shot up. Kellan’s hand moved from under her shirt. Kellan hung up the phone and tossed it onto her sofa.

  “Did you feel that?” Kellan asked.

  “Yes.” Reese turned so that she was sitting up on the sofa. Kellan turned toward her, sliding her leg underneath her body. “It hurt, Kell.”

  “I’m sorry,” Kellan said on instinct, because she never wanted to hurt Reese. But then, she remembered. “Also, that’s pretty amazing.” She smiled at Reese.

  “Do it again?” Reese turned her body slightly toward her. “Please.”

  Kellan smirked and decided she should comply with her girlfriend’s request. But instead of merely tweaking her nipple with her fingers again, Kellan lifted Reese’s tank top and pulled it off, tossing it to the floor, before she moved on top of Reese. She kissed Reese first before sliding her hand to Reese’s breast and cupping it again. She massaged it while moving her lips to Reese’s earlobe, sucking on it. Reese moved beneath her until Kellan’s thigh was between both of her own. Kellan lowered her lips further to Reese’s collarbone and kissed, nibbled gently, and sucked while her thigh lowered against Reese’s center.

  “Is this what you had in mind?”

  “Not exactly. But don’t stop.” Reese lifted her
hips to meet Kellan’s thigh.

  Kellan lowered her hips further and pulled Reese’s nipple into her mouth. She sucked on it as she massaged Reese’s other breast. She pressed her thigh to Reese’s center, knowing it would be more than enough to get Reese started since she was only wearing a pair of thin white panties for their now usual night where they’d Netflix and chill. Riley had gone out with friends tonight and would be gone until well after they’d retire to Kellan’s room. She decided they could have at least one round on the sofa before going into the bedroom to continue. She ran her hand down Reese’s stomach and slid into her panties, feeling her soaked flesh.

  “God, baby. How long have you been like this?” she husked against Reese’s breast.

  “All night,” Reese replied as Kellan dipped between her folds.

  Kellan stroked her and sucked on her breasts until she entered her fully and used her thigh to add pressure to her thrusts. Reese peeled at Kellan’s boy shorts until they were down at her knees. Kellan shook them slightly further down and lowered her center onto Reese’s thigh. Reese made no attempt to touch Kellan, knowing by now that Kellan loved coming this way; riding Reese’s thigh. Kellan thrust into Reese as she ground down against her. Reese encouraged her by massaging Kellan’s ass and pressing her down more. Kellan was gliding on Reese’s skin. She’d grown wet the moment she’d touched Reese, and as she felt Reese clench around her fingers, she added another one on the next thrust and took Reese over the edge, following right behind her with her lips around Reese’s nipple.

  As they both caught their breath, Reese’s grip loosened. Kellan slid out of her, keeping her hand on Reese’s sex for a moment longer before moving out of her panties and hovering over her. She kissed her long and slow. Reese’s hands slid up and down her back, matching that pace until Kellan separated their lips, lowered her mouth, took Reese’s nipple between her teeth and gave it a soft, testing bite. Reese made no sound. She bit slightly harder, and Reese only rubbed her back more. Kellan bit just a little harder.

  “Ow,” Reese exclaimed, and Kellan pulled up to stare down at her.